
Introducing Bookmyne!

Bookmyne is the name of a free iPhone app that provides Cameo search & account functionality. There are three tools available via Bookmyne: 1) search, 2) holds and 3) My Account.

To use Bookmyne:

1. Go to the iPhone app store and install Bookmyne.

2. Open Bookmyne on your iPhone.

3. The iPhone GPS will find Bookmyne-compatible libraries near you.

4. Click 'nearby' at the top.

5. Click the plus sign next to Carnegie Mellon University to search its catalog.

6. Next click the tab labeled 'My' at the top. You will see Carnegie Mellon University.

7. Click Carnegie Mellon University to see information about the library such as hours and phone numbers.

8. Click 'search' at the bottom to do a keyword search in the Carnegie Mellon Libraries' catalog. (There is no advanced search)

9. To place a hold, click the dot on the left of an item to check-mark it, and then click 'Place hold' at the bottom. Several items can be marked simultaneously. Choose a pickup location and then press 'confirm' to send the hold.

10. Back in the list of results, click an item to see more details about it.

11. Click 'My account' at the bottom to see an account summary after logging in with a Carnegie Mellon ID and PIN.

For more information please check out this page.