
CRCnetBASE Trial

Carnegie Mellon University Libraries has been given a trial access to CRCnetBASE until May 13, 2011.
The CRCnetBASE trial offer includes SCI-TECHnetBASE.
This includes numerous online books on Engineering topics.
Email Donna Beck, donnab@andrew.cmu.edu, and I will email you back the login information.


Carnegie Tech Faculty Bulletins

Thanks to our University Archives for making available digital copies of the Carnegie Tech Faculty Bulletin, 1916-1971.

See the following link:


This digital collection will help those interested in researching CIT faculty & staff from this time period.
Use the "Word or Phrase" search box to try it out!

We are finding some interesting news items related to the history of the University Libraries by searching for the Word or Phrase:  library.