
Who's who from The Simpsons

Who has time to pleasure read during the semester? Especially the one we just completed, you know--the one that went by so quickly! But, during the long break between semesters, you might have a chance to read a bestseller or two.
The book chosen for this past fall’s Science Libraries Book Discussion is a quick read: What’s Science Ever Done for Us? What The Simpsons Can Teach Us about Physics, Robots, Life, and the Universe by Paul Halpern. The Engineering & Science Library has a copy on our book shelves under this number: Q162 .H3154 2007.

And, even if you don’t read the book, you can try your hand at matching the person (real or fictional) to the quote:
Quotes from the Halpern book.

Trivia: Carnegie Mellon was mentioned by name in an episode of The Simpsons. If you can't find out which one, contact your friendly research librarian!

Do you have a book suggestion for the Engineering & Science Library? Go to our home page: search.library.cmu.edu. Click on “Frequently Asked Questions” and then arrow down under “CAMEO library catalog FAQ” to find the last question, “Can I ask you to buy a book?”

Or simply send any of the Engineering Research Specialists an email with your suggestion.

Happy Holidays and have a safe and happy break!