Usually when we recommend databases for engineering related topics, we point to the Engineering Index: Compendex or one of the many others from the Engineering link under our Databases by Subject listing.
However, have you looked at some of our more “Interdisciplinary” or general databases when doing research on your topic?
For a list of all our databases, go to our home page and click on “Articles & Databases.” Try a search in Academic OneFile. The opening page displays these tabs: “What’s New” “Global Warming” “Stem Cell Research” and “Animal Rights”—some hot research topics. Articles under “Global Warming”are from journals such as: Journal of Power Sources, Applied Energy, Bioresource Technology, and Chemical Engineering Journal. Notice that these are technology related titles!
But, here’s an even greater reason to search Academic OneFile--the cool new feature is the audio that is now included in all the articles. Have the article read TO you! Check it out for yourself!
I recently did a search in Academic OneFile by keyword for: H1N1. Results included some recently published information on the topic, including a full-text review article from the Annals of Thoracic Medicine 4.4 (Oct-Dec 2009): “The novel influenza A (H1N1) virus pandemic: An update.”
While I am on the topic of the flu, for a “Situation Update” on H1N1, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—the CDC H1N1 flu site.
One more related source to look at. Have you seen Google Flu Trends? Google makes efforts to predict an increase in the number of seasonal flu cases before the CDC can put out their updates. Go Google!
During this flu season, even an Engineering Librarian can give out this advice: WASH your hands OFTEN!